Weed Mapping
Since 2015, IVM Group has been invited biennially, to provide our expertise in weed mapping services on the Veolia Water Operations WCRWP easement targeting exotic weed species.
The exotic weed species being targeted for identification by Veolia Water included the following:
- Class 1 and 2 under the Queensland’s Government Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and Class E weeds as listed by the Brisbane City Council.
The easement was fully traversed and the location of any Class 1 and Class 2 state declared weeds and any Class E BCC weeds on the WRWP easement mapped using a GPS enabled PDA.
- Education and training of Veolia Water Operations Project staff, operators and contractors on location,
- Characteristics and composition of each high-risk area was also undertaken as part of this project.
IVMG provided the following
- A one page weed factsheet with an up-to-date image of each Class 1, Class 2 or other significant exotic weed species identified during the site inspection with text to describe the plant habit, cultural notes, flowering times and suggested control options.
- Development and delivery of a full review as a PowerPoint presentation to the Western Corridor Recycled Water Pipeline teams.